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AI Assisted Fraud: Approaching the Scammer Singularity

Fraud is a practice that has constantly evolved with the times. New forms of communicationinevitably become new mediums for fraudsters to scam people out of money and valuables.Like an arms race, as new methods of fraud are developed, so too are new methods ofdetection and prevention. Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents a new paradigm for fraud. While technology enables newways to commit and avoid fraud, it ultimately comes down to influencing a person to dosomething not in their best interest, and the ultimate weapon for fraudsters remains socialengineering. Social engineering...

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Moving Scams Truck

How Rogue Movers Will Rip You Off, and What the Law Has to Say About It

Overview of Moving Scams What is a moving scam? They come in many different forms, and varying levels of sophistication. All versions of a moving scam have these things in common: the mover takes your stuff, holds it for ransom, and charges you an inflated price. If you refuse to pay, they threaten never to deliver your items. All of your sports memorabilia! Your collection of baby photos! Your wheelchair! The dining room table that’s been in your family for over 50 years! All gone if you don’t pay the scammer. Local Moves Some scams are for local moves, where the scammer will...

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The round table

Piercing the Corporate Veil: Insights from a Recent Judgment and the Consumer Protection Act Piercing The Corporate Veil

Typically, shareholders and directors of a corporation are shielded from personal liability for the actions and debts of a corporation. However, there are certain situations in which the courts will “pierce the corporate veil,” rendering persons liable for corporate conduct.  A recent decision in The Plaintiff v. Sakellaris (SC-21-7298) illustrates how the Consumer Protection Act, 2002 (CPA) can be used to pierce the corporate veil and prevent an individual from using a corporate entity to shield themselves from liability for their unfair business practices.  ...

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